Let's start with sailing. The first night I was in Thunder bay, I met some German girls who were drinking wine in the main room of the hostel (which is really more like a home, and is where I'm staying). Of course, I joined them, regailed them with some on-the-spot guitar songs and tales of times gone by, and we laughed and spend a lovely time. So they took me sailing.
Sailing is awesome. From what I can tell, all you need is:
- a high-strung captain who can scream, and curse, a LOT...
- a fairly incompitent crew with a complete lack of experience
- a lot of beer
But let me tell you, I have never enjoyed losing so much. It meant beer.
And a relaxed captain.
That is until his friend dropped the $600 rope into the water, at which point the neck-vein tagged in the forehead vein, and they put on a spectacular throbbing display. Thankfully, he lived through the experience.
And all is well that ends well. We got back to shore, and went out for an evening of merriment at a fine local establishment.
PS: Thanks to Bianca for the photos!