Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The blogwebs and Sailing

Sorry about the lack of content lately. The internet just hasn't been readily available or high on my priority list of late. But I'll make an attempt to shake off the blogwebs and throw up a little content.

Let's start with sailing. The first night I was in Thunder bay, I met some German girls who were drinking wine in the main room of the hostel (which is really more like a home, and is where I'm staying). Of course, I joined them, regailed them with some on-the-spot guitar songs and tales of times gone by, and we laughed and spend a lovely time. So they took me sailing.

Sailing is awesome. From what I can tell, all you need is:
  • a high-strung captain who can scream, and curse, a LOT...
  • a fairly incompitent crew with a complete lack of experience
  • a lot of beer
Little did I know when we started, but our sailing adventure was part of a sailboat racing league. The standing were close, and the ship I was on was in a dogfight for first overall. Everything was great out of the gate, we won that part of the battle... but things started to go awry when we dropped the sail in the water. Holy crap was the captain pissed. I thought the vein in his neck was going to explode. And as if that wasn't bad enough, it then got dragged under the boat, completely demolishing any chance of our victory. The captain then put on an astonishingly curse-tacular oral lashing on the experienced members of the crew. Slowly the red in his face drained as he accepted our fate.

But let me tell you, I have never enjoyed losing so much. It meant beer.

And a relaxed captain.

That is until his friend dropped the $600 rope into the water, at which point the neck-vein tagged in the forehead vein, and they put on a spectacular throbbing display. Thankfully, he lived through the experience.

And all is well that ends well. We got back to shore, and went out for an evening of merriment at a fine local establishment.

PS: Thanks to Bianca for the photos!

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