Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play


Show up at the tee-pees. Learn how to blow a conch (thank goodness for the years of practice tromboning and kissing-- sorry to all the ladies that I kissed like I was playing the conch). Give a half-naked baby a piggy-back while blowing the conch to the sun as it sets behind the mountains and palm trees.

Go home.

Get out the guitar. Play for hours and hours, tap into the ridiculous amount of creative energy that is floating around the place, and just let yourself go and sing what's in your head. Hopefully, as was the case yesterday, people will laugh and sing and dance along. Then jam with a fantastic drummer, before heading out and doing a chanting-crystal bowl ceremony, 7 crystal bowls playing the frequencies of the 7 chakras (this, I'm still contemplating... how do they know the frequencies of the "chakras").


Wake up. Eat delicious food. Mango. Banana. Avacado shakes. Omelet. Get an adjustment. Lay on the Earth. Go to market. Repeat.

Life, wow.

Enjoy the equinox tomorrow! Happy spring!

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