Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bye bye, Saskatchewindy, Hello Windtoba!

I can't believe the wind! It never ceases.

One day, into the wind all day. Next day, at the back all day. Of course, my mood changes with the wind *sigh*, still a long way to go in that regard.

Yesterday I set a record for myself so far on the trip. I made it 155 km in about 6h 15m. Boom-shakalaka! Gotta love the wind.

Today, different story. Let me paint you a picture. It was C-C-C-COLD last night! There was a layer of something that could've been mistaken (or not?) for frost on my tent this morning. I went back to bed. I finally got up and took a long, hot shower, and stayed an extra 20 minutes in the bathroom just because it was heated. Finally, I decided to head out, by this time it was after 11.

The locals were wearing toques and gloves. One of them told me not to worry, it's going to go "up to 9" today. WHAT. It's WHAT temperature? 4 degrees? Are you shitting me?

I am also wearing a toque and gloves. About 15 km into the day, it started to rain. And then the highway took a turn for the worse, so the wind that was such an ally quickly became an enemy. So there I am, mitts, toque, sweater, rain coat, rain pants, rain boots, "blasting" down the road, at a near-sound-barrier breaking 14 km/hr. But the speed wasn't the incredible part. The fact that I was leaned about 20-30 degrees into the cross-wind in order to stay in a straight line was what really got me laughing. So there I am, swerving every which way with every gust, rain stinging my face (but not ... my beard!!) as it blows almost horizontal to the road (I think, my perception may have been skewed on that angle), laughing so hard I'm about to pee myself. Must've been quite the scene for the oncoming traffic.

I have such a love/hate relationship with the wind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! your writing is so fun to read, bro! looks/sounds like you're having a fabulous time (overall... i mean, i know there are those other moments... i remember them). i hope a little frost isn't enough to make you pack it in... wait till the snow, sleet and hail starts to fly (you know, indian summer is coming... you can be guaranteed some more 20C days!?)
keep trucking' and stay safe!
loads of love,